Sinclair family

Sinclair family

Sunday, June 21, 2009

NYC recap

We had a great weekend in NYC - a lot has changed! The taxis now accept credit cards, they are implementing new subway cars with a digital voice system (you can actually understand what is being said), and overall the city looks a bit more tidy that when we left it. Still gritty...but just not AS gritty.

We learned a couple of things on our trip back. The first...don't get too attached to a restaurant. We had a favorite in Brooklyn not too far from our old neighborhood. After a round about subway ride we ended above ground in Cobble Hill only to find the restaurant had closed. We had plans to meet a friend for lunch at another restaurant around the corner from our old apartment the next day as well and before even leaving Manhattan did some research...sure enough that one had also closed.
Second lesson...wear comfortable shoes. I don't remember this being an issue when we lived there - I probably learned early on and my feet were accustomed to the long walks but after a winter in MN and having a car as my main mode of transportation, my poor feet were in for a shock. I walked the entire day on Friday and was reminded upon returning to the hotel that my shoe choice of the day was less than wise. I switched shoes for the evening out only to find four blisters that felt like razor blades slicing into my feet. A trip to the drug store for some blister treatment and a change into some flip flops and I was good to go.

We had a great time catching up with friends and co-workers, eating yummy food, and strolling from city block to city block reminiscing of the days when we lived in the chaos. We feel truly grateful that we had the opportunity to live in NYC and enjoy the idea of our future visits, but I think we both will go to sleep tonight smiling at the fact that we are dozing off to the sound of crickets instead of sirens, honking, and the rumble of the subway.

1 comment:

Aunt Sarah B said...

love the pics - such great memories! glad you had fab time.

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