Sinclair family

Sinclair family

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Bright Lights, Big City

We generally don't like to leave Rochester, because we love this town SOOOOOOOO much (please note, that was a purely sarcastic comment, as we generally loathe living in Crotchester, er, Rochester), but fortunately for all of us Nikki was invited to a little jewelry part by a former Fairmontian so on Friday we loaded up the car and trekked up to Auntie Sarah's house in Minneapolis. It turned out that the jewelry party was cancelled, but that didn't stop us from enjoying some long overdue spring sunshine and catching up with Sarah and her boyfriend Mike.

Jacob had an exciting Saturday too. We didn't realize it until this weekend, but apparently he is kind of a big deal in Minneapolis-he has a huge fan base there. Josh and Sas came for a visit in the morning and Ingrid stopped in for a late evening visit. He also snuck in a lunch date at Champps with Sarah, Mike, and Mike's fam (between naps of course). And THEN he had his first trip to the Southdale shopping center where he shopped for some new threads (he has officially outgrown his 0-3 month duds) and cruised for chicks. It was quite a day.

Needless to say, that was enough to drain the peanut and he slept the whole way home from Minneapolis. We were a little worried that getting him to bed after the long nap would be a problem, but he came out of the carseat, up the stairs, out of his duds and into his jammies with a diaper change in the middle, and into bed without so much as a squeak. I guess a day in the big city takes it all out of the little guy.

Our trip was a short one, but enjoyable to say the least. We appreciate the many conveniences of a town like Rochester, but even a short trip to the Twin Cities is a pleasant reminder of what we have to look forward to when we finally stop moving around and plant some roots. There is no doubt that Minneapolis is where we want to be, and based on Jake's reaction to our time there we think he'll be happy there as well.

That's the news from Rochester, where a baby is sleeping, the laundry is done, and Mom & Dad are digesting some homemade chicken salad sandwiches while we continue the search for answers to life's persistent questions, and dream about a move to the bright lights and big city of Minneapolis.

Friday, March 28, 2008

We spent Easter weekend in Charles City with the Sinclair's. We enjoyed catching up with everyone and Jacob got to hang out with his cousins, Noah and Hayden. Jacob met his Great Grandpa Dale for the first time. They really hit it off!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

My Brazilian beauty

This is Fatima, my Brazilian girlfriend. She is about a month older than i am, but I'm sort of into older women. My mom for example...she is older and I like her. I haven't met Fatima yet, but someday Mom and Dad said they will take me to Brazil to meet her. Isn't she beautiful? Mom and Dad lived in New York City the same time as Fatima's parents - Fred and Patricia. I'm off to go brush up on my Portuguese. Peace out! -Jacob

my shirt says it all

Friday, March 21, 2008

Happy Easter!

Hello friends and family.  Jacob here.  Grandma Jacobson hooked me up with this plush new robe for my Easter present.  Now after my baths and bum powdering (I gotta have my powder) I get to lounge around in my terry cloth robe and chat with my buddy Quackers.    

I have to say, this robe is so choice.  If you have the means I highly recommend picking one up.  I'm seriously considering picking one up in a soft brown. I think it'll bring out the blue in my eyes.  

Anyhoo, enough about robes.  And enough blogging...I'm off to bed.  After a diaper change and bum powdering of course.  


Settlers of Rochester

Happy happy joy joy was the theme for a mid March weekend at the Sinclairs.  We were thrilled to have Rebecca fly in to join us for some fun and games at our humble abode in Rochester.  It was a little crowded with Scott, Nikki, Becca, Sarah, Tom and Grandma and Grandpa Sinclair all crammed into our little shoebox condo, but we hardly noticed.  And Jacob loved the company.

Nikki whipped up her dad's famous pancakes for brunch on Saturday, and Grandma and Grandpa got to hang out with Scott, Jake and Tom while the girls went to the spa for some much deserved pampering.  They came back with skin all aglow and then we made short work of some Pizza Ranch grindage and spent the better part of the night playing Settlers of Catan and Ticket to Ride.

Sunday came too fast, but we did get another couple games in before Becca had to head back to the airport to fly home to her hubby.  It was a fun-filled weekend, one which comes not near often enough.  If one of us had the inside track on those Powerball numbers, we would surely be buying a lear jet to bring everyone together more often to enjoy some fluffy flapjacks and the thrill of a quest to win one of our exciting games.  We'll have to settle for doing this once in a blue moon.  For now anyway.  I'm pretty sure I've got the winning numbers to the next Powerball jackpot.  -Scott


Thursday, March 13, 2008

happy baby, happy mom

after being up last night at 1:30, 3:30, and again at 5:30, i like to look at this reminds me that MOST of the time he sleeps well at night and is content during the day. maybe he was mad that i had chinese food for dinner. -nikki

road trip

hi peeps. mom and grandma took me to fairmont. that is where mom grew up. they took me to see my great great aunt carolyn. she was funny - she sang me a song about telling aunt nabbie that her old grey goose is dead. then i went to jake's pizza. this is the restaurant that grandpa owned for a long long time. grandma took me back in the kitchen to show me the art of making pizza. mom tells me it is the best pizza around. i can't wait until i get to eat some. then i got to meet maggy and libby. they are my new friends. they are 4 years old and twins! they sang to me and drew me a picture. it was a fun day. -jacob

chatter box

jacob tells us about his day...

let's go bowling...

grandma and grandpa jacobson stopped in for a visit last weekend so scott and i got in a sunday afternoon bowling date. as you can see from the score - scott had to buy the beer. there were a few people that approached me about joining their league, but i had to politely decline. just kidding. but it was an impressive game, don't you think? -nikki

Sunday, March 9, 2008

lazy boy

jake had been rocking with dad and got sleepy...we laid him down in his honey hugger (the yellow thing that has velcro that keeps him all snuggled and secure and keeps his arms by his side so they don't fly up and hit himself in the face!) and he decided the recliner would be just fine and fell asleep before i even moved him. sunday afternoon naps are the best! let sleeping babies lie, right? -nikki

slumber party

hey party people! i was at sarah and mike's for a slumber party friday night - this is us the morning after. you can see we're a little tired from all of the hoop-la! we ate pizza, drank wine, and played charades until the wee hours of the morning. ha. not really. i just had milk, chatted a bit, and went to bed. but it was fun. -jacob

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Jacob does his Gene Simmons impression

KISS rocks!

These cookies are the result of taking the bowl and mixer upstairs to my bedroom to blend the dough. Since our townhouse is basically a shoebox and the kitchen, dining area and living room are all one space, there was no way I was going to risk waking Jacob from his nap. When he was a newborn, he slept through anything (even Aunt Becky dropping a pan out of the fridge) but now he is much more aware of his surroundings. Desperate times call for desperate measures. And I really needed a cookie. -Nikki


Here's the deal...Mom said that I couldn't sleep on Jake's bed. I am not ON Jake's bed, I am NEXT to Jake's bed. No worries.


does anyone have any eye serum?

you see these bags under my eyes? this is due to having a new baby brother in the house. i am up every night with mom for his feedings. i am also mesmerized by the humidifier that emits the cool blue light. thank goodness for cat naps.


Tuesday, March 4, 2008

a few pictures from my portfolio

since my birthday is jan 1st, mom's is january 3rd, and dad's is january 6th, we're going to have a big party every year! i was still too little to eat a cupcake. a few weeks old...

these are cool pants from aunt sarah j.

for valentine's day, grandma and grandpa sinclair gave me my puppy and grandma and grandpa jacobson gave me my giraffe, kisser. i sure am loved!

welcome to my world

i'm jacob. jacob scott sinclair. jake for short. i joined this world on january 1st. as you can see, i was a bit skeptical of the journey ahead. i was perfectly content...eating, sleeping, and pooping to my heart's content - without any interference. except that one time when mom ate a cheeseburger and fries for lunch AND dinner. needless to say, she never did that again. so anyway, the big day arrived and i was ready to make my debut. it was getting a little cramped and mom and dad kept telling me how excited they were to meet me. i figured hey, why not start my life on the first day of the new year. seems logical, no? (i get that from mom - she has obsessive compulsive tendencies and likes things neat, organized, and structured.) oh was i about to turn her world upsidedown! it is a good thing dad is chill (i get that from him) it keeps us living in perfect harmony.

i have been busy growing so let me bring you up to speed on my life. now i am 2 months old. time flies when you are having fun! this world isn't so bad. i still get to eat when i want, sleep when i want, and poop when i want (which is a lot because i eat a lot). but don't get me wrong - it's hard work being a baby. i had to grow a lot and there are so many things to look at. it is a bit overwhelming at times but so far all is well. mom and dad are pretty smart so they are good at figuring me out. i live with two cats, melly and luna. i can't pull their tails yet, but someday i think i will try it. mom stays home with me all day. she feeds me, changes my diaper, reads me stories, snuggles with me, and sings to me. i try to sing with her. she is especially funny when she sings AND dances. i like to sleep too so i take a lot of naps. dad has to get up early in the morning and he usually changes my diaper and adjusts my swaddle before he leaves. (you'd think mom was drunk when she swaddled me in the night but really she was just tired). he has to go work at a school. someday i am going to school too. i will probably take dad with me. anyway, dad comes home in the evening and we hang out and have some "man" time. we all have dinner and hang out. then i usually get a bath. i love the bath. i am so excited to go swimming this summer. so after the bath mom feeds me. she is just figuring this out but sometimes i like to eat twice if not more before bed. i want to make sure i am good and full for my sleeping time. the only time it backfires is if i get gas bubbles. then that keeps me up and i get mad! dad usually puts me to sleep. i fit great in his arms and i like to stare at dad before i go to sleep for the night. mom says pretty soon i am going to have to fall asleep on my own in my crib. i think i will have a talk with dad - he probably won't make me do that.

we'll keep you posted on our life. mom is making lunch and dad's at work. melly and luna are sleeping (they always sleep!). but sooner or later you'll hear from everyone. see ya later alligator! -jacob

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