Sinclair family

Sinclair family

Friday, September 18, 2009

Happy Birthday Sarah B!

Wishing you a wonderful birthday, Sarah! Hope you have a fantastic day and we'll see you tomorrow!

This is the life

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Del Potro wins!

Although Sarah is a Federer fan I was happy to see Del Potro win the US Open. Here are Jacob and Sarah catching a bit of the match. Disclaimer: The Corona is NOT Jacob's.

Where do they learn these things?

Monday, September 14, 2009

29 is fine!

Happy Birthday, Sarah! Wishing you a fantastic day and a beautiful year ahead.

Colvill Park

We had an evening picnic at Colvill Park in Red Wing. It is about a 25 minute drive from our house but well worth the trip. This park is huge and is right next to the river. The play structure (also an impressive collection) sits on recycled tires (or something of the sort) and foam. The equipment is perfect for Jacob - there are ramps which so he can get up and down himself and the stairs are great for practicing. His favorite piece of equipment of the evening was the teeter totter. Bravo Colvill!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Jacob played in the nursery during church on Sunday. After the main service, we stayed for a communion service. It is an extra service so there isn't kids care during that time. He did a pretty good job of listening to the music until the very end he just couldn't stand it any longer and had to get down. He seemed to be reveling in the fact that he got to walk up and down the aisle in the back of the church. As we were walking out Scott was carrying him and I said to him "Jacob, you thought that was pretty fun getting to run around in church, didn't you?" He replied "A-men!" Although I don't think he said it in context, and was probably just repeating the closing prayer - it was hilarious none the less.

No Labor on Labor Day

We spent Labor Day relaxing with Scott's boss and his wife in Pepin, WI. We had a picnic lunch and spent the afternoon cruising the Mighty Mississippi. We left from their docking station on Lake Pepin and drove upstream to the Lake City Marina before cruising back downstream. It was so much fun to be out on the water. What a beautiful day!

I think from Jacob's perspective it might have been his favorite day of his life so far. He got to see boats, (the entire drive from Hastings to Pepin he pointed out all of the boats he saw), hold the kitten (which actually sat in his lap), sit on a tractor, watch a train go by, steer the boat, feed the ducks, skip his afternoon nap, and see more boats. We got off the river about 5pm and made the beautiful drive back to Hastings. Jacob fell asleep within about 5 minutes of leaving, but when we got to Hastings and stopped the car he opened his eyes and groggily pointed out the window and said "BOAT!". I wonder if he was dreaming of boats?

A safe bat

Who knew a blow up bat/ball/stand could be safe and so much fun!?

Sunday, September 6, 2009

He shoots...he scores!

Jacob saw one of his older friends playing T-ball and has decided that until Mom and Dad get him his own bat, his broom works pretty well. Although I try very hard to remind him that he needs to be gentle and he can't swing the broom in the air, I don't think there is any stopping him. He can't get enough ball time. Right now he's just getting the feel for all different kinds of sports....broomball, hockey, golf, baseball. I think I will just start saving right now for those broken vases and windows.

An afternoon in Stillwater

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Eight is Great

Scott and I celebrated our anniversary at Marx Fusion Bistro. As we were walking by the river I was thinking how very similar our wedding day was eight years ago - maybe a touch warmer but an absolutely beautiful day.
We highly recommended this restaurant on your next trip to Stillwater. It is has great ambiance, a lovely wine list, and delicious food. Terrific company and some acoustic guitar...I couldn't have asked for a better evening. Thanks Scott, for being my happily ever after. I love you!

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