Sinclair family

Sinclair family

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

First day of Kindergarten

Nathan is very excited to "see bus!" and watch his big brother start his first day of school.

September 3, 2013
1st day of Kindergarten

There he goes!  Mom was able to keep it together...until the bus was out of sight.  ;)  

Bus ride was a success!  All smiles coming into school.

Jacob's classroom

Jacob had a great first day of school.  When we asked what his favorite part of the day was he exclaimed "Everything!".  He also informed me that "he didn't even have butterflies".  Amen.  I very much remember my horrible butterflies during my early years of school and I have been praying for him that he doesn't experience that.  Jacob's classroom is vibrant and fun and his teacher, Mrs. Lindstrom is truly a gift.  We are very excited for him.

I had hoped to get a picture of Jacob getting off the bus as well, but turns out we still have yet to find out which bus brings him home.  We've got a few logistics to work out but in the next week or two we'll be like a well oiled machine.  I'm also happy to report that even I got up and going and was not standing at the bus stop in my slippers and pajamas.  Although, there is always that possibility.


stacey said...

So happy he had a great first day!

Laurie said...

Yay, but how were you in two places? Saw the bus leave and make it into the school? SuperMom?

Scott, Nikki, Jacob and Nathan Sinclair said...

LOL! Yes Laurie, I actually have super powers. ;) Jacob has a bus transfer so we went to his school right after he got on the bus. :)

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