Sinclair family

Sinclair family

Friday, June 21, 2013

Type A? Maybe not.

Although Jacob and Nathan have very different personalities, something I noticed recently was
Nathan's detailed attention to parking.  I don't know if he learned this by watching his big brother or if this is his natural tendency (you may remember this post).

After re-reading that post I had to chuckle because it was written about Jacob when he was the same age as Nathan is now.  Maybe lining up cars is just a two-year old thing.  Nathan counts to four (kind of), marches into Kids stuff at the Y and Sunday school likes he owns the place (no tears from this kid...except when he is mad and doesn't get his way), and we haven't even worked on colors.  Right now all Nathan cares about is flying airplanes around with his big brother and playing in the sandbox.

Our Nathan is quite laid back, okay with skipping or delaying naps, doesn't eat his vegetables, loves to snuggle, rarely sits still (except while snuggling), yells at the top of his lungs "MAMA!" or "DADA!" when he wakes, torments the cats, says a lot more than he did a month ago, has started dressing himself (kind of), and is quite the clown.  There's a lot to be said about birth order.  Or maybe, perhaps, parenting order.

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