Sinclair family

Sinclair family

Friday, July 22, 2011

Famine in Eastern Africa

Although lately I have been all consumed with my two boys, yesterday I caught a segment on Dateline that another famine has been declared in Africa.  The images stopped me in my tracks and instead of thinking about how tired I am from nursing Nathan every 2 hours or less, I became immediately thankful.  Thankful that I can meet his needs.  Thankful that he is thriving.  Thankful that although I have mastitis, that I have antibiotics.  Thankful that although tired, I have a comfortable bed.  Thankful that Jacob is strong and healthy.  Thankful that we have a home, running water, and more food than we need.  Although famine is not uncommon in these parts, it really caught my attention this time.  My heart breaks for these people. 

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