Sinclair family

Sinclair family

Monday, December 6, 2010

A sweet sweet sound...

that I heard today was Baby #2's beating heart.  My doc (and I absolutely love her by the way) found it right away...beating strong and moving around a lot.   It always makes it feel that much more real.  Baby (we're going to have to come up with a more creative name than Baby #2) is due at the end of June.  It seems like a long time from now with all of this snow on the ground, doesn't it?  So there it is.  It's official.  Let the baby bump begin.


stacey said...

Congrats!!!!! So excited for you! I was wondering when number 2 would be coming! :-) Jake looks so darn cute!

AuntSarahB said...

YAY!!! I can not WAIT for niece/nephew #8!

Laurie said...

Yeah! You bring tears to my eyes! Congrats, Congrats and keep us posted!!!

I will email you about Christmas plans!

Zarlings said...

congrats! it is so fun and exciting! Jacob will make a great big brother. Keep blogging so we can see the bump grow!

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