Sinclair family

Sinclair family

Friday, June 4, 2010

Love and H2O

Jacob may or may not care about reading his "blog book" when he grows up, but I do hope he reads this one and is reminded to be as thoughtful of a husband as his daddy is.
We had quite the night last night. I had planned to go out for the evening (dinner and a movie!) with my sister and a couple of other friends. I had a wonderful dinner and enjoyed two fantastic glasses of wine before I got the text that said "Plz call if you get this before movie". Uh-oh. Upon calling home I had found that Jacob had thrown up twice (maybe 3 times by the time I got home) but thankfully found him happy as a clam in the bath. We were able to tag team to get him and some other furniture items cleaned up. (Unfortunately his Knuffle Bunny book will have to be replaced.) He was feeling much better and we didn't have anymore throwing up, but it was definitely a long night.
The one thing that I noticed is I didn't really look at the clock. I remember when he was a newborn I would constantly keep looking at the clock thinking how tired I would be the next day. Last night, after 3 or 4 attempts of trying to get back to sleep we just snuggled, read books (in the dark) four different times, got a drink of water three times, had a diaper change, talked with kitty, laid in Mom and Dad's bed so he could hold Dad's hand while listening to Mom try to recite Goldilocks and the Three Bears (he then wanted to see the book) and by 4am he said he was ready to back to his crib. These nights are few and far between. If this were a regular habit we'd definitely be enrolling ourselves in "How to train your kids to sleep".
The luxury I have as a stay at home mom is that we can lay low the next morning or have an early nap if need be on nights like this. Last night was different though as I actually was working in the morning and then had another boy coming over for a short while after lunch. It all worked out just fine but it made me SO thankful for my (mostly) full time job as a stay at home mom and the fresh brewed coffee and bouquet of flowers that I woke up to this morning. That's coming from the man who gets up at 4:50am to get ready for work and last night probably got about 50 minutes of really good sleep. Now that's a thoughtful husband.
As a side note...if you are wondering why Jacob was sick...totally my fault. The poor kid was dehydrated and probably had a bit of heat exhaustion. Scott and I are both extremely sensitive to the sun as I am sure Jacob is. I am great about getting his sunscreen so he didn't get a sunburn, but we were busy all day I didn't remind him to keep drinking his water. This is your friendly reminder...don't forget to hydrate!

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