Sinclair family

Sinclair family

Friday, January 29, 2010

Patiently waiting for the spring

I took this picture today while standing at my kitchen sink. The leftovers of December's snowman are frozen solid.

I am very much looking forward to the day when the window is open and I am smelling fresh air and looking at green grass. Everyone in Minnesota seems to get a little cranky around this time of year. For instance, last night I overhead a lady at Target telling the store clerk she should just stay home because "she hates going outside and hates people when it is this cold". I guess everyone deals with Minnesota winters in their own special way. If it were up to me, I would spend the winters in Arizona or California, but until then we'll be hanging out in our wool sweaters and dreaming of flip flops and green grass.

1 comment:

AuntSarahB said...

Maybe that lady needed a nice, new shovel to brighten her spirits. That seems to do the trick with Jacob.

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