Sinclair family

Sinclair family

Monday, January 24, 2011

Date with Jake

The healthy dried fruit and nut mix.  This came after the giant cup of ice cream that he got to have first.  When the vendor came around at intermission yelling out "Mini-donuts!" "Lemonade!" and he asked what that was and I explained they were treats but he already had an ice cream treat he cried and said he didn't want ice cream.

Would not cooperate for any staged photos.
We took Jake to his first stage performance of Sesame Street Live - Elmo's Healthy Heroes at the Target Center.  Although he was ready for a change of scenery and some exploring about 20 minutes before the show ended he did inform us twice that he had fun.   He doesn't have a strong affinity for any specific character, but the guest singer (Kay) did cause some concern each time she left the stage.  "Where's Kay?"  He has a thing for the girls I guess.  On our way home we made a pit stop at Cossetta's for some yummy dinner.

I am happy to report that after a long month of battling colds (Scott, Jake, Nikki), flu (Scott and Jake), and strep throat (Jake) we are all finally on the mend and everyone is finally getting good rest.  Hallelujah!  I have on more than one occasion threatened to pack up the house, the cats, Jake, and Scott and move to a warmer climate.  Scott kindly reminds me that I was the one that wanted to move back to Minnesota in the first place (you are welcome, family) and that I should quit complaining about the cold.  I get it.  But seriously...enough already.  I guess it just makes me appreciate spring (and that possible weekend away to a warm destination? ahem...honey?) that much more.

Baby on the way is doing great.  I have been feeling him or her since about week 17. I didn't feel Jacob until week 22.  We have a check up next week with the ultrasound the following week.  After much debate (mostly in my head) it is BLOG OFFICIAL...we have decided to not find out the sex.  Jacob consistently tells us that it is a girl and that he is going to have a sister.  When I politely suggest to him that we'll have to wait and could be a boy or a girl...he always responds..."I think it is a girl".  Whether our three year old has some interesting intuition that we don't know about or just a thing for girls (did I mention Kay?) we just don't know.  Needless to say, we are already excited about Baby's arrival and praying for good health no matter the gender.

Hope you are all staying healthy and warm and thanks for checking in!


AuntSarahB said...

Woohoo!! Love the pics about SSL and the treats; however, I am so excited that you aren't finding out the gender! This is HUGE! So exciting! You for sure can't let all of your readers down now and find out. You're stuck now that it's blog official! :)

Unknown said...

Woo-hoo!!! I am totally with Sarah. It is OFFICIAL, so get used to it baby! :) I love it! You will love it. Just have a plan for either way, and you can do the whole predictions spreadsheet and all that fun stuff. Don't cave at the ultrasound! Soooo excited for you guys!

Laurie said...

I love suprises! Yay!

Love Elmo too!

Stay healthy!

Cindy Ahrens said...

As a former pre-school 3 year old teacher I say yes to preschool for many reasons. #1-Rest time for Mom, learning independence from MOM & Dad, #2 Great for socialization, #3 Start to learn the school routine, #4 Head start on kindergarden. Cindy

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