Sinclair family

Sinclair family

Monday, August 22, 2011

No love for Wal-Mart

This morning while watering my plants I realized I needed to get some fertilizer on them.  On a whim (I should know very well that at this stage of the game, anything that is a "whim" is not going to be successful) I went to Wal-Mart for Miracle Grow and a few other items for which I had coupons.  It would have been a much better idea to visit Target...but I just wasn't sure if they had Miracle Grow.  Sitting here thinking about it...of course they do.

I left Wal-Mart with no Miracle Grow, no other items (although already bagged),  a screaming baby and a sad (almost crying but he held it together really well) 3.5 year old because I told him he could have a turn in the car ride.

Not sure what disappoints me the most...the self-check out lane that wouldn't accept the coupons, the employee that couldn't get the coupons to work or even cancel out the whole thing so I could go to a different lane with a person (despite the crying baby and clear sign that I was in a hurry she was annoyed with me and asked me what she was supposed to do with the groceries...I told her to put them back), or myself for even thinking a quick errand would be easy.  I sure would like a re-do on my morning.

As for Wal-Mart...the few trips a year I brave that place has been diminished to something more like zero.  I know it is silly to make rash decisions but every single time I go there something goes awry.  Whether it is the cart that keeps pulling to one side, the checkout lanes that don't work, or mediocre produce...Wal-Mart and Nikki just don't get along.  After telling Jacob he could ride another time, just not at this store, he says to me..."Daddy likes to come here".  I told him he can come here with Dad.  Lucky Scott!

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