Sinclair family

Sinclair family

Monday, April 4, 2011

28 weeks

Hello month seven!  I think I have officially gone from feeling like I have a cute baby bump to feeling like I have an over sized basketball shoved in my stomach.  And you know how firm a basketball is?  That is almost how firm my belly is.  It doesn't make for an easy time doing laundry, picking up toys, or reading books to Jacob (he now has to sit next to me).  And you should see me in yoga.  Now that is a sight.

Overall I am feeling pretty good - but all of my friends with more than one kid were right.  It is so different (and a lot more work being pregnant) when you have another one.  I remember sleeping like a princess right up until the last couple of weeks before Jacob was born.  I was in great shape and could actually get full workouts in.  Now I am already finding myself in the recliner in the middle of the night and sucking wind going up a set of stairs.  And regular heartburn.  Awesome.   

But all complaining aside, the little guy is healthy and strong and we are so thankful for him and excited for June.  He has his kicks now and again but this one really likes to stretch out.  The nursery is almost finished.  This has been a fun project for me because I didn't really get to do a nursery for Jake since we knew going to be in Rochester for such a short time. 

The only thing I am stressed about at this point is what we are going to name him.  Today Jacob asked me what his baby's name was going to be.  We just don't know.

Speaking of Jacob, he got a haircut today and whenever he gets a haircut he looks older.  He's doing great in his new big bed - once he finally gets to sleep anyway.  The bedtime routine has become such a fiasco.  Stalling and not staying in bed.  I don't know if it is daylight savings, his new room, little brother on the way, or what...but for the moment, bedtime for this 3 year old is quite the challenge. 

I will leave you with a couple of pictures of Jake fresh out of the bath.  And I am off to get my Tums. 

1 comment:

The McNamara Family said...

You look great Nikki! And I love Jacobs new haircut!

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