Sinclair family

Sinclair family

Monday, March 7, 2011

6 month baby hippo

Time is flying by...we're heading into our 6th month and we're excited, confounded and terrified all at the same time.  Scott is excited about the days of sanity friendly hormone levels that lie ahead (for Nikki's sake of course), Jacob is trying to figure out how the brother of his is going to get out and what he's going to eat, and Nikki is starting to count down the days to her summer of sleep deprivation.  Seriously though, we're all doing great and looking forward to the arrival of #2. 

24 weeks
circa 25 weeks with Jacob
Somebody already loves his little brother


Janice's Blog said...

Love how excited he looks, adorable! And Nikki, you are looking good!

AuntSarahB said...

ohmigosh the one with jacob is absolutely PRECIOUS! you are looking SO great and adorable. my only request....start taking this in the daylight (if you aren't already) and without flash. I'm not getting the full belly profile with the black outline around it. sorry - i'm high maintenance. :)

Scott, Nikki, Jacob and Nathan Sinclair said...

Thanks, Janice!
And yes, Sarah, my photographer is aware of this problem. He actually took a couple of other shots where there wasn't a shadow, but they were off for one reason or another. :) We'll try again next month.

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