Sinclair family

Sinclair family

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Jake meets Gwendolyn

I stole these pics off of Aunt Sarah's blog so you can go there and read the full update on the family but just wanted to quick share these.  Sarah looks amazing and can actually carry on a normal conversation.  After Jacob was born I think it took me 5 months or so to come back from the twilight zone.  Smile.  Gwen is a very content baby and Sarah and Tom are pros already and handle parenting with so much grace.

We stopped by for a quick visit yesterday.  Well, the intention was for it to be a "quick" visit but when you get to snuggle a newborn time seems to fly by!  Jake didn't pay too much attention to her at first - he was much more interested in putting puzzles together with Grandma and giving Leo a lettuce snack.  He asked right away where Uncle Tom was.  At one point she squeaked and he thought it was hilarious.  If she would stretch or squirm he would ask what she was doing.  When she let out a little cry and he said "I think it is time to go now".  However, before leaving he did ask if we were going to bring Gwendolyn back to our house.  I think he really likes his new baby cousin.  We managed to snap a couple of pics before he told us he was all done.  Thanks for having us and we look forward to seeing you again soon!

Friday, March 25, 2011

It's a GIRL in the Sinclair family!

Gwendolyn Rebecca was born on March 23rd to proud parents Sarah and Tom.  Gwen is the first girl in the Sinclair family of 4 (soon to be 6...Rebecca and Robert's baby boy is due in April and our little man is coming in June) boys!  Needless to say, we were very excited to meet our first niece.  Sarah was a rock star and Tom won "best coach and supporter".  Oh Gwen, we are going to have so much fun shopping and going to the spa.

Jacob has been at Grandma and Grandpa Jacobson's house all week keeping them in shape.  We have been busy on the home front painting both Jacob's room and the nursery.  He is actually transitioning from his toddler bed to a Queen so we can switch it back to a crib.  What 3 year old sleeps in a Queen bed!?  Anyway, more on those before and after pictures at a later date but in the meantime, we are missing our little peanut and can't wait to go get him tomorrow.  He is very excited to meet his new cousin Gwen! 

Congrats again, Sarah and Tom on your beautiful baby girl!

Intense game of Chutes and Ladders

Just because this is a cute picture

Dinner date with Alaina

Pre-dinner marbles with Alaina

Thanks Uncle Mike and Aunt Sarah for the delicious lasagna!

Oh, I think I am having a carb crash.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Monster belly

Jacob and dad are whipping up some monster cookies...he informed us that he has to use his muscles to stir the batter...
but first we need a quality check of the M&M's...
and with the size of this belly I might consider holding off on those cookies.  Or not.  But seriously...although Scott tells me I don't look huge, I FEEL huge!  And this is just week 25.  Yowzers.  Don't worry about the improper lighting on this one Sarah B...just wanted to make sure you could see my belly silhouette.  *Smile*

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Jake and his dad

I came home from working a couple of appointments yesterday afternoon and Jacob was still napping.  He loves his afternoon naps but we're finding he is staying up later and later at night so we are trying to shorten his naps.  He is a bear to wake (just like him mom) so Dad scooped him up and we opened the shades and slowly tried to wake him.  Notice he put his blanket over his head.

I find these two in the rocking chair quite a bit.  It is somewhat ironic because when Jacob was a baby he wasn't one we could rock back to sleep.  We spent more hours on our feet bouncing around the room.  Oh, how I hope Baby #2 is comfy in a horizontal position.  Now if he wakes in the middle of the night he comes into our room and says "I want to rock a little bit".  Scott (super dad and husband for so many reasons) is many times the one to get up with him and rock him back to sleep.  It is especially helpful now that I have to wedge Jacob off to the side of me.  I am somewhat certain he prefers Dad's lap over mine.  

Scott gets up despite the fact that his alarm is going to go off at 5:30 am and he commutes to and from work and he is busy providing for us and being an entrepreneur so I can be home with Jacob.  I am blessed.  And I think we are blessed to have a comfy chair because sometimes I have to go in and wake Scott up after he has fallen back asleep.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Jacob in his bed

with all of his friends

6 month baby hippo

Time is flying by...we're heading into our 6th month and we're excited, confounded and terrified all at the same time.  Scott is excited about the days of sanity friendly hormone levels that lie ahead (for Nikki's sake of course), Jacob is trying to figure out how the brother of his is going to get out and what he's going to eat, and Nikki is starting to count down the days to her summer of sleep deprivation.  Seriously though, we're all doing great and looking forward to the arrival of #2. 

24 weeks
circa 25 weeks with Jacob
Somebody already loves his little brother

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

More conversations with Jacob

This morning after breakfast of oatmeal and grapefruit (I am so impressed that my 3 year old likes oatmeal and grapefruit that I felt the need to give you that detail) I told Jacob he could watch his new construction video that he picked out from the library (also a minor detail advocating for the local library) while I went up to take a shower.  Our conversation went like this...

Jacob:  Why are you going to take a shower?
Mom:  So I can get clean.
Jacob:  Because you like to take showers?
Mom:  Yes.  I like to take baths too but I am too big for our bathtub.  Someday Mommy is going to get a big bathtub.  (There is nothing wrong with sharing my dreams with my 3 year old, right?)
Jacob:  Ohhhh.  So it will be big and Daddy can sit next to you and scrub you up?
Mom:  Yes. (?)
Jacob:  And you can play TOYS!

And yesterday after his ECFE class we went out for lunch at a local cafe.  He was eating his peanut butter sandwich (he thinks it is really great when a peanut butter sandwich isn't on the menu but they are able to make one for him if we ask nice).  Part of our (always entertaining) conversation went like this...

Mom:  Jacob, it is sure fun to have lunch with you.  You are a really good boy.  Thanks for eating nice.
Jacob:  Thank you!  And you are a really good girl too.

Oh boy.  This kid makes me laugh.  Speaking of boys...I am happy to report that the littlest boy is growing well.  I had a check up last night and everything is looking good.  I am measuring 23 1/2 weeks but was actually surprised because from the way I feel I honestly thought she was going to tell me something like "this is going to be a big baby!"  Hehe.  He is very active - especially while I am trying to sleep at night.  Let's hope that this isn't any indication of his habits once he is born.

We're off to a lunch date with Dad today.  And no doubt some more entertaining conversation.

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