I am not planning on changing my hair color before the new year so giving the blog a fresh new look will suffice for now. I wish I had mad computer skills so I could customize my page (anyone want to help?) but for today, I chose this template. The light background is a nice change of pace.
A creature of habit, I have already boxed up Christmas decor and the tree is in a snowbank in our front yard. Scott laughs at me regarding my obsessive compulsive behavior when it comes to finishing projects and organizing, but I know that secretly that is one of the reasons he picked me to be his wife. At least I will keep telling myself that.
I have already started preparation for the new year. Yoga has been an integral part of my to do list for the last few weeks. It takes me the first half of the class to get my muscles warmed up and by the last half of the class I can slowly stretch those muscles which have been horribly out of practice for the last 8 months. I have no idea what caused the initial disc injury but I am just happy I can actually put my socks on without excruciating pain. I have no weight goals for the new year - I'm just thankful I can work out again!
Sometimes it startles me how fast Jacob grows. He turns 2 years old on the 1st of January. Although Scott always jokes about a 2007 tax write-off, starting off the first day of 2008 with a new baby was a phenomenal way to start the year. Now, on the first of each new year I love the fact that Jacob starts a new year of his life and I look forward to the exciting and new discoveries we will make. I feel like I am starting to get more comfortable in my own skin as a parent. I still throw tantrums now and again but with each day I gain confidence and realize that there isn't a perfect way to raise a child. With God's grace and help I plan to stay balanced, mindful, and enjoy that little boy every single minute.
In the new year I plan to eliminate as best I can expectation and judgement. This is truly a challenge for me. I plan everything and usually have an expectation of how things will go. Scott perpetually reminds me that setting expectations usually leads to disappointment for me when they things don't turn out as I think they will. I think some expectation, goals and routine are necessary, but I'm working on flexibility with the outcome.
Another goal for the new year is to take a photography class. Scott and I bought ourselves a new camera for our Christmas present to each other. (Should I say Scott bought it since I don't contribute financially to the household?) Anyway, we are excited about it and I am looking forward to learning some new photography skills. Learning how to use the camera would probably be a good step too.
These days Scott and I are rarely stay up until midnight. However, if we are up at that hour on New Year's Eve you can bet we'll be jumping off our chairs into the new year. A long standing Jacobson tradition. Although, with my old lady hip I will probably opt for jumping off of a low step.
As I reflect on 2009 I am filled with joy for everything that God has blessed us with. My cup runneth over.
I hope 2010 brings you joy, love, laughter, health, happiness and all things good.
Such a great post. Happy New Year and Happy Birthday to Jacob! Wow, 2! It's such a fun age, isn't it? Btw...what kind of camera did you get? I would love to take a photography class too, if I could find the time! You'll have to keep us updated on how that goes!
Happy New Year to you and the family Stacey! We got a Canon Rebel EOS. I don't really know what all that means other than I have a lot of learning to do! We'll keep you guys posted - I am hoping to find a Community Eduacation Class locally someplace.
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