Sinclair family

Sinclair family

Monday, October 26, 2009

Battle of the Blogs

"Umm, Aunt Sarah, I'll sit here with my butt cheeks stuck in these pumpkins, but only if you sit here too."

Okay, so Sarah B. did a fabulous job of recapping our afternoon last weekend and her blog post is WAY better than mine. I pasted a few pics, wrote a couple of sentences and then poured myself a glass of wine and parked in front of the TV for an episode of I really don't care as long as I wasn't cleaning, changing a diaper, or playing trains. So thank you, Sarah and Tom, for the great pics, great day, and a great blog post. I knew you would come through. And in case you were wondering, Scott's pumpkin turned out REALLY cool!

1 comment:

AuntSarahB said...

haha love the post. and scott's pumpkin! way cool!

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