Sinclair family

Sinclair family

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Jacob Sit! Jacob Speak! Jacob Stay!

As soon as your kid starts speaking, singing, or doing tricks it is hard to resist asking them to perform repeatedly. Sometimes I feel like I should have a treat in my hand to reward good behavior. In all seriousness though, how can you not want to hear him say "Sarah" over and over again. It is so darn cute. Here are some of his tricks - one of my favorites is his rendition of Na Na Hey Hey Kiss Him Goodbye.


Aunt Sarah B said...

I am so glad you caught this on tape. I tried soooo hard last week at the cabin! That little squirt. Love love love how he says "Tooooom." So cute. Next you need to catch "nose" and "garbage truck". Good luck. :)

Laurie said...

How did he ever learn the song? It is so cute!!! Love it!

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