After 377 days of breastfeeding I am happy to report that Jacob had his last supper last night. I have been replacing one feeding at a time with whole milk over the last few weeks. For the last week he's been nursing only once before bed. Last night he drank his milk out of his sippee cup around the same time he usually nurses. He had his usual story time and then I think realized he was only getting big-boy milk before bed. He was crying as Scott carried him up the stairs signing "milk" but after a couple of minutes in his crib realized he was plenty full and plenty tired so he went to sleep. He slept all night without a peep and woke up around 8 am this morning. The entire transition was much easier than I had anticipated.
In the early months I wasn't sure how I would ever accomplish this long-term goal. It was a huge commitment but I couldn't be more grateful that we were able to fulfill the task. Thanks to everyone (especially Scott and my nursing mom friends) for your perpetual encouragement and support throughout the year.
Victoria's Secret here I come.
Yay! You did it and you did so GREAT! I can just picture him going up the stairs so sad. :) Glad he had a great night too.
That is awesome that you stuck with it and nursed for a year, yay for both of you.
I'm so happy for you and jacob!
I'm still stuck with one breastfeeding a day...what makes it difficult is that Fatima does not like milk at all!!! I have tried different brands even with a little bit of chocolat (yes, I know...)but she just not like it. So I've been using coconut water instead (very tropical ha?), which she loves, but still not sleeping through the night...so congratulations!!!!! I hope to get there soon...
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