I am quite certain that one of the reasons God blessed me with Scott is to balance out my serious side. Scott has quite the sense of humor and a laissez-faire attitude towards certain things in life. He continually reminds me that babies do not have a schedule and they are VERY unpredictable. At 3:30 am last night - he came shining through.
The night started off with Jacob waking up around 1:30. I fed him and put him back to sleep - desperately hoping that he would sleep at LEAST until 4:30. He woke up around 3:30. Darn! (Ha...who uses the exclamation "darn" anymore!?) I asked Scott if he would go see if he could get him back to sleep. He changed his diaper and then tried to get him back to sleep - I heard him quiet down and he did fall asleep. Then Scott laid him in the crib and he awoke. So, this went on for a bit until finally I caved in and went in and nursed him until he fell asleep and stayed asleep.
As I got back into bed I told Scott (in my very serious whisper) how frustrated I was that I had to nurse him again. In my opinion he didn't need to eat and I explained to Scott that I really don't want to make a habit of this. I told him that he should prepare himself for the possibility of having to get him back to sleep without me coming in to feed him.
Scott replied to me with this dialogue..."Maybe he was little hungry. I'm awake now. I'm a little hungry myself. I could eat now. He woke up because his diaper was wet. I changed it, and he was almost asleep. I think he tried to go asleep. Honk sheww (snoring sound) honk sheww. I'm so tired. Wait! No sleep! Eat! I want to eat. Honk sheww honk sheww. No! Don't fall asleep. Need to eat. I will cry until mom feeds me."
I laughed (and to get me to laugh at 3:30 am with very little sleep is quite a feat). So maybe he was hungry. Maybe he is teething. Maybe he's going through a growth spurt. If only I knew.
Scott's last story before convincing him he should just go back to sleep and not get up and go to work was how he and his cousin used to sneak downstairs to eat marshmallows for a midnight snack. He thought Aunt Lois probably knew they liked to get up to eat them because she would leave them out.
I suppose one day Jake will be sneaking downstairs to eat marshmallows for a midnight snack but for now we'll settle for middle of the night feedings from mom.
1 comment:
I know exactly how you feel girlfriend. I'm like, "He shouldn't need to eat during the night. Why am I doing this? I'm tired. I don't want this to be a habit." And I say that for, oh, the better part of a freaking YEAR! :) You do what you can to get him back to sleep, and if it's nursing, so be it. You can slowly cut back, and in the graaaaaaaand scheme of things, it's not that long. So yeah, good luck with that. ;)
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