Sinclair family

Sinclair family

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Happy Bellies

Hip Hip Hooray for organic brown rice cereal!

Monday, April 28, 2008

Carnac the Magnificent

Yummy Fingers!

Busy as a Bee

Jacob had a very busy weekend! Aunt Sarah J. and Mike came down Friday night to hang out. We desperately wanted to go out for dinner but he decided that wasn't what he wanted - and made sure we knew. He was quite tired and went to bed early.

Saturday he spent the day hanging out with Aunt Sarah B. and Uncle Tom. Sarah's got a great camera and a great eye so she always captures terrific pictures. Jacob thinks his own hands are the coolest thing since milk but he thinks Tom's big hands are REALLY cool! After Jacob was all snug as a bug in a rug for at least a few hours, I got to enjoy the delicious dinner that Scott made, a glass of wine, and a game of Settlers of Catan. I relished hanging out for a few hours with people over the age of 0. We didn't go to bed until midnight, and although I knew I would be up in just a couple of hours, it was SO worth it!

On Sunday we took a road trip to Grandma and Grandpa Sinclair's. We enjoyed a wonderful lunch (I basically ate twice) and he got to watch Grandma's handy work with the sewing machine. We needed to put a backing on the curtains to make it darker for nap time and at night. It looks so much better than the blankets hanging over the rod. I am so thankful for Lin's expertise and her sewing machine!

Our weekend fun has come to an end and now we're back to the daily grind of eating, sleeping, playing, and pooping. Until our next adventure. This weekend we are headed to Ames for a Sinclair family photo shoot and Jacob's first dip in a swimming pool!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Happy Earth Day

jacob here wishing you a happy earth day. don't forget to reduce, reuse, and recycle. i have A LOT of ground to cover in my day...mountains to hike, lakes to swim in, oceans to surf in, and woods to go on nature walk in so in order to enjoy mother earth in years to come it is vital to be conscious about our environment.

mom says she can't really preach about it too much because she still isn't using cloth diapers for me. yes...she is throwing away my diapers to pile up in the landfills. (gasp!) i tell you, if one day i am hiking and i run into one of my old diapers...well, let's just say i won't be a happy hiker. i tried to tell her the cloth diapers now days are very hip. no pins or anything. she's still weighing the pros and the cons.

there are indeed a few small things that you can do (mom says these are quite easy). when going to the store use paper bags. and recycle them. (did you know in the state of california that they have outlawed plastic bags!? they are so progressive). maybe you don't even need a bag? OR, better yet...bring your own reusable bag.

buy organic if possible. support local growers.

cleaning supplies are major sources of indoor air pollution - chemicals! try ingredients like vinegar, lemon juice and baking soda for cleaning, or choose a safer brand such as Seventh Generation or whatever your local supermarket carries.

educate yourself. do some research. try a google search "go green tips" and check out all of the websites for great ideas!

happy earth day!
love, jacob

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Midnight Marshmallows

I am quite certain that one of the reasons God blessed me with Scott is to balance out my serious side. Scott has quite the sense of humor and a laissez-faire attitude towards certain things in life. He continually reminds me that babies do not have a schedule and they are VERY unpredictable. At 3:30 am last night - he came shining through.

The night started off with Jacob waking up around 1:30. I fed him and put him back to sleep - desperately hoping that he would sleep at LEAST until 4:30. He woke up around 3:30. Darn! (Ha...who uses the exclamation "darn" anymore!?) I asked Scott if he would go see if he could get him back to sleep. He changed his diaper and then tried to get him back to sleep - I heard him quiet down and he did fall asleep. Then Scott laid him in the crib and he awoke. So, this went on for a bit until finally I caved in and went in and nursed him until he fell asleep and stayed asleep.

As I got back into bed I told Scott (in my very serious whisper) how frustrated I was that I had to nurse him again. In my opinion he didn't need to eat and I explained to Scott that I really don't want to make a habit of this. I told him that he should prepare himself for the possibility of having to get him back to sleep without me coming in to feed him.

Scott replied to me with this dialogue..."Maybe he was little hungry. I'm awake now. I'm a little hungry myself. I could eat now. He woke up because his diaper was wet. I changed it, and he was almost asleep. I think he tried to go asleep. Honk sheww (snoring sound) honk sheww. I'm so tired. Wait! No sleep! Eat! I want to eat. Honk sheww honk sheww. No! Don't fall asleep. Need to eat. I will cry until mom feeds me."

I laughed (and to get me to laugh at 3:30 am with very little sleep is quite a feat). So maybe he was hungry. Maybe he is teething. Maybe he's going through a growth spurt. If only I knew.

Scott's last story before convincing him he should just go back to sleep and not get up and go to work was how he and his cousin used to sneak downstairs to eat marshmallows for a midnight snack. He thought Aunt Lois probably knew they liked to get up to eat them because she would leave them out.

I suppose one day Jake will be sneaking downstairs to eat marshmallows for a midnight snack but for now we'll settle for middle of the night feedings from mom.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

so big!

Jacob has decided that just a regular sit-up isn't good enough - he wants to stand all the way up. Let's hope he crawls before he decides to walk. Athough he still fusses a bit on his tummy, his neck muscles are definitely getting stronger.

His newest trick is not sleeping well. Although he still sleeps, he doesn't settle quite as easily as before and doesn't sleep as long without getting restless. I am almost certain that his gums are bothering him. I wouldn't be surprised to see him cut a tooth in the next month.

I knew parents got excited when their kids would smile and laugh for the first time, hold their head up, roll over, cut a tooth, etc. but I never really understood how amazing and exciting it truly is until having my own child to develop before my eyes. And never in a million years did I think I would get excited about poop - but everytime I change a diaper and it is yellow and seedy (the way breastfed babies' poop is supposed to be) I think to myself "yay"!

I think about baby stuff 24-7. I can read Fly-Away Ladybug by memory and it won't be long before I can recite Mr. Brown Can Moo, Can You? as well. I am quite certain I need to join an adult book club.

Signing off for now - the little guy is awake. Again. 30 minutes is better than nothing. Back to baby world. -ns

Monday, April 14, 2008

Crazy Eddie

My mom and dad's cat, Eddie, will actually wake from his nap if he hears dice being rolled or cards being shuffled so he can sit at the table and join in whatever game is being played.

Great-Grandma Rose

Jacob met his Great-Grandma Rose!


Jacob had a great week at Grandma and Grandpa's house. He spent a lot of time reading books and getting in as much snuggle time as possible.


We're back home after spending a week in Bemidji. I figured we might get a few flurries while there - but I didn't expect much more than a dusting. Silly me. My mom and dad's place ended up with over 12 inches, and some places in town has 23 inches. That was just the first weekend there. The following weekend we got dumped on again! Needless to say, we didn't get Jacob out for a walk in the stroller but I did manage to make a snowwoman.

Friday, April 4, 2008

a spring in our step

We got to enjoy our first walk outside today. The temperature was decent (FINALLY) and there was no wind. We're looking forward to more of these days and can't wait until we can be outside without our socks on! We're heading up to Grandma and Grandpa Jacobson's for a week. It is still cool up there and I wouldn't be surprised if it snows but we're still looking forward to some R & R!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Tummy Time

Jacob is not usually a big fan of tummy time, but the stronger he gets...he's finding out it isn't so bad. (As long as he doesn't have to stay there too long.)

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