We generally don't like to leave Rochester, because we love this town SOOOOOOOO much (please note, that was a purely sarcastic comment, as we generally loathe living in Crotchester, er, Rochester), but fortunately for all of us Nikki was invited to a little jewelry part by a former Fairmontian so on Friday we loaded up the car and trekked up to Auntie Sarah's house in Minneapolis. It turned out that the jewelry party was cancelled, but that didn't stop us from enjoying some long overdue spring sunshine and catching up with Sarah and her boyfriend Mike.
Jacob had an exciting Saturday too. We didn't realize it until this weekend, but apparently he is kind of a big deal in Minneapolis-he has a huge fan base there. Josh and Sas came for a visit in the morning and Ingrid stopped in for a late evening visit. He also snuck in a lunch date at Champps with Sarah, Mike, and Mike's fam (between naps of course). And THEN he had his first trip to the Southdale shopping center where he shopped for some new threads (he has officially outgrown his 0-3 month duds) and cruised for chicks. It was quite a day.
Needless to say, that was enough to drain the peanut and he slept the whole way home from Minneapolis. We were a little worried that getting him to bed after the long nap would be a problem, but he came out of the carseat, up the stairs, out of his duds and into his jammies with a diaper change in the middle, and into bed without so much as a squeak. I guess a day in the big city takes it all out of the little guy.
Our trip was a short one, but enjoyable to say the least. We appreciate the many conveniences of a town like Rochester, but even a short trip to the Twin Cities is a pleasant reminder of what we have to look forward to when we finally stop moving around and plant some roots. There is no doubt that Minneapolis is where we want to be, and based on Jake's reaction to our time there we think he'll be happy there as well.
That's the news from Rochester, where a baby is sleeping, the laundry is done, and Mom & Dad are digesting some homemade chicken salad sandwiches while we continue the search for answers to life's persistent questions, and dream about a move to the bright lights and big city of Minneapolis.
Jacob had an exciting Saturday too. We didn't realize it until this weekend, but apparently he is kind of a big deal in Minneapolis-he has a huge fan base there. Josh and Sas came for a visit in the morning and Ingrid stopped in for a late evening visit. He also snuck in a lunch date at Champps with Sarah, Mike, and Mike's fam (between naps of course). And THEN he had his first trip to the Southdale shopping center where he shopped for some new threads (he has officially outgrown his 0-3 month duds) and cruised for chicks. It was quite a day.
Needless to say, that was enough to drain the peanut and he slept the whole way home from Minneapolis. We were a little worried that getting him to bed after the long nap would be a problem, but he came out of the carseat, up the stairs, out of his duds and into his jammies with a diaper change in the middle, and into bed without so much as a squeak. I guess a day in the big city takes it all out of the little guy.
Our trip was a short one, but enjoyable to say the least. We appreciate the many conveniences of a town like Rochester, but even a short trip to the Twin Cities is a pleasant reminder of what we have to look forward to when we finally stop moving around and plant some roots. There is no doubt that Minneapolis is where we want to be, and based on Jake's reaction to our time there we think he'll be happy there as well.
That's the news from Rochester, where a baby is sleeping, the laundry is done, and Mom & Dad are digesting some homemade chicken salad sandwiches while we continue the search for answers to life's persistent questions, and dream about a move to the bright lights and big city of Minneapolis.
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