Feb 22, 2018 while sitting around eating BBQ pork baked tacos Jacob announced he wants to visit every state by the time he is 40 and Nathan said he wants to visit the Lincoln memorial...hence the Sinclair family road trip has been birthed.
The wheels are in motion, the United States printable map has been printed. (We are going to color every state we've been to as a family). This motivated me to get back to my blog page. I needed an online journal and this has served that purpose well. Feel free to join us this summer for the adventure!
It has been a long time since posting. I think the blog phase for me fizzled for awhile...it's an easy thing to not take the time to do but we sure have enjoyed looking back at our stories, pictures and videos. Of course I wish I would have kept it up. The boys have grown so much and so fast. And if I had written every single witty funny comment that Nathan has said - I could write a book. Also with the increase of social media (Facebook, Instagram) who wants to sit and read a long drawn out blog post. Well, except for the famous ones.
While previously writing I always had a specific person in mind. My mom. While I loved that I was documenting our family life I always knew she would be the one most excited to read the post. She went to heaven last summer on July 10, 2017. We had some amazing times during her 4 year battle with cancer. She was strong, brave and persevered. I am so thankful my boys had their Grandma for the time they did but she continues to be missed greatly.
You can still reach this blog but stay tuned for the launch of our new address. Hopefully it won't take 2 years. XO
Scott, Nikki, Jacob and Nathan's attempt to keep those who we are privileged to call friends and family updated on the ins and outs of our lives.
Sinclair family