Sinclair family

Sinclair family

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Keep on swimmin'

Poor little guy - but he did his nebulizer treatment willingly!    

He just wanted to snuggle.

Feeling better!

Whew!  We are getting back on track friends!  Jake's ear ache has subsided (thanks again antibiotics) and Nathan has his appetite back. (2 bowls of cereal this morning).  As for myself, that dose of Prednisone that I took yesterday…yikes.  It made me feel lousy.  Have any of you taken it?  Some PT again might be a good option.

Rumor has it we  might hit 30 degrees.  Heat wave!  Bring on the spring...

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

When it rains it, it pours...

Here's the picture I drew today:

This week has been one of those "are you even kidding me?" weeks.  Last week Nathan got pneumonia, my low back injury escalated into I can't pick up my child let alone put my socks on, and today Scott picked up Jacob from school early and took him to the doc - to be put on an antibiotic for an ear infection.  Our kitchen counter and schedule on the fridge looks like I am running my own pharmacy. My uncle Ernie would have been proud.  Did I mention how thankful I am for antibiotics and pain killers?  And the fact you can DRIVE YOUR CAR UP TO A WINDOW and they hand them to you?  God bless you smart drug people.  Scott's got his own fires to fight at work which I can't even begin to fathom (no - he's not a firefighter).  Yet, he still manages to keep us all together.  He spent two nights sleeping (or not sleeping) in a chair so that Nathan could be upright.  I couldn't even sit without being in horrible pain.  He has also managed to pick up my slack picking up and snuggling kids, giving baths, running errands, getting groceries, doing dishes and folding clothes.  In addition to running our business.  Thankful for my better half.  Seriously.

So here's the deal.  This week I have NOT BEEN HAPPY.  For those of you that can appreciate back pain you know that is it completely debilitating and draining.  But…I'm on day 1 of prednisone.  With a side of Tylenol for the irritating side effect of a dull headache.  I've been prayed over, my chiropractor and massage therapist are on speed dial, I pulled out the old Physical Therapy stretches and am using heat and essential oils for good measure.  Anyway, as I was passing the fridge this afternoon I noticed one of Jacob's papers that he brought home from school that led me to think about joy…

In Psalm 16:9 David's heart was glad - he had found the secret to joy.  True joy is far deeper than happiness; we can feel joy in spite of our deepest troubles.  (Or back pain).  Happiness is temporary because it is based on external circumstances, but joy is lasting because it is based on God's presence within us.  As we contemplate his daily presence we will find contentment.  As we understand the future he has for us, we will experience joy.  Don't base your life on circumstances, but on God.  (From the Life Application Study Bible NIV)

And those lovely, delicious things that come in the yellow and red wrapper with tulips on them that show up this time of year?  Those make me HAPPY.

Have a joyful week friends! 

Lydia Rose comes to visit

With mom and dad away on a trip, Lydia moved into the Sinclair house for a week.  It was a whole new ball game putting in pony tails, trying to keep barrettes in hair and figuring out the best way to get tights on.  Good thing she likes playing with trains and trucks.  Needless to say, we had a blast!

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