"Mom. Mom. Open your eyes. I am talking to you." |
"I told you. You should have ordered a teething necklace like Gwen has." |
"I mean really. Try to think about this from my perspective. You may be tired. But I am tired AND my teeth hurt. Suck it up mom. This won't last forever." |
"HAHA! And look at these chompers!" |
Nathan is not sleeping well. Therefore, mom is not sleeping well. Dad is not sleeping well. (Although, he does have this uncanny ability to literally fall asleep within 3 seconds of laying his head on the pillow). Teeth coming in, stuffiness, and being 9 months old (yesterday!) = a shortage of good sleep. It's a phase though. Eventually my second child will sleep through the night. You want to know the best part about the whole thing? Other than being tired (and admittedly) a bit cranky. I am okay with it! Want to know why? Because I have done this before! I am so thankful for wisdom. At the ripe old age of 34 I consider myself more wise than when I was 30. When Jacob was a baby I honestly thought I had created (or not created) some habits that would prevent him from sleeping through the night. Ever. Silly me. We read a lot of books when Jacob was a baby. Sleep techniques, things you should and / or should not do according to some sleep experts, etc. I haven't read much (other than attempting my book club monthly pick) this time around. I should probably brush up. I may very well be creating (or not creating) habits for Nathan but I am too tired to try to figure them out. I know that he will sleep. Eventually. This is definitely a second child, isn't it?
I bet you were wondering about the title of this post. We're not actually going to Brooklyn, but heading north this weekend to a little town called Walker. Scott and I will get to sleep at this
place for two nights in a row with no interruptions. (Oh please, please don't let there be any jack hammers, barking dogs, or annoying HVAC systems.) I am so excited. Someday I will be writing about how excited I am to be heading to a beach in the Caribbean but for now, this is my paradise. Mom, after reading this post are you sure you still want to have over night duty? :)
Happy Thursday friends.