Sinclair family

Sinclair family

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Mike's birthday dinner

Nathan, meet Bob.  Bob, meet Nathan.  P.S.  I really wanted Nathan to wear this outfit from Aunt Sarah for Mike's birthday dinner.  Who knew the little pork chop would grow so fast.  It is a newborn size and I could only get one side buttoned.  Thankfully he has the same outfit in 0-3 mos thanks to Kara! 
Let's try to get the perfect picture with Uncle Mike.  It is always amusing watching parents try to get their toddlers to pose for the perfect picture. 

Supervising the grill master.

Thirty how many?  I can't see the numbers!  Happy 32nd Mike! 

Maybe if Aunt Sarah assists...

3 week stats

Nathan had his well check yesterday.  My hungry hippo weighed in at 10 lbs!  He has also managed to add 3/4 of an inch in the length department but we're always a little behind the average there.  (Have you seen his Dad's legs?) Smile.  Don't get me wrong...he's got great legs.  They are just a bit shorter than the average bear. 

Other than a little cold that he has had for about a week now, the littlest man is doing great.  He is obviously eating well (and often) and is content when he sleeps...although last night was a bit long.  *Sigh*  It will be nice when he is over this cold.  He also favors looking to the right so we have to work on stretching out his muscles so he is as flexible looking to the left as well.  But overall the doc had absolutely no concerns and said he looked awesome.  Go, Nathan, go! 

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Hello, family!

I snapped this picture this morning as Jacob and Dad finished watching Gnomeo and Juliet.  Have you seen this movie?  From the previews I was quite skeptical but turns out it is quite funny and entertaining.  Last night when they watched it for the first time Scott said there is a scene where a flamingo moves away and Jacob got teary-eyed.  This morning while watching the encore he literally burst into tears at that same part.  Oh, my sweet Jacob.

Jacob is doing fairly well with the transition of big-brother, although we've had a few more meltdowns than normal.  His need for attention has gone into high gear.  Although usually very sweet and concerned about his little brother, a crying fit by Nathan caused Jacob to come running over and slap him on the head.  I think he immediately realized what he did was wrong because he burst into tears.  Whoops.  Good thing Dad was here.  He had to go upstairs and have a talk with Dad - he came down to apologize to both me and Nathan and I don't think he'll be doing it all too often.  He also had two time-outs today.  It's tough being 3 1/2 and a new big brother, especially when Mom is busy feeding a little hungry hippo every 2 hours and can't play baseball for very long stretches.  Thank goodness Scott's work schedule has allowed him to be flexible and it has made this transition so much easier on all of us.  See, getting laid off and becoming your own boss is a blessing in disguise.  

That brings me to our little milk hoarder.  This little one can pack it away that is for sure.  He has a check up on Tuesday which will put him at 3 weeks old and we're very curious to see how much he weighs.  He's such a relaxed baby, except when he is hungry or has pooped his pants then get ready to cover your ears.  Thankfully nursing is going so much better than it did with Jacob.  Other than being drained (literally and figuratively) and having some serious bags under my eyes, I couldn't be happier.  Especially when I look at my three boys snuggled on the couch.  I am blessed.

Jacob fix

Jacob, Dad, and Grandpa Sinclair got to check out trucks and machines on display

Jake the garbage great

Riding with Uncle Mike

Trying to catch a big one with Dad

Enjoying a ride with mom

Driving Mom and Dad around Lake Julia for a romantic sunset cruise

This is what I learned from Aunt Sarah

Doing lots of work on his tractor

Jacob's favorite playmate

Nathan fix

Hanging out with Grandma Sinclair at 4 days old

Checking out his new surroundings

Trying out his crib at 6 days old

If he is awake he usually looks like a little bird...always ready to eat!

It is hard to believe today was Nathan's original due date!  I am sure happy he arrived when he did.  Smile.  

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