Scott, Nikki, Jacob and Nathan's attempt to keep those who we are privileged to call friends and family updated on the ins and outs of our lives.
Sinclair family

Sunday, May 29, 2011
36 weeks
We're ready! (Well, almost ready...let's have Dad and Jake come home from their trip up north first.) I washed up the little guy's take home outfit (one long sleeve, one short...who knows if it will be 50 or 80 degrees), bought a box of diapers and wipes (I forgot how small those newborn diapers are!), cleaned the house, have narrowed his name down to two (we'll meet him first and then decide), organized drawers and cabinets, planned meals for the week, went to a movie with Sarah, am halfway through a book, and have been getting really good sleep. Whew. It is going to be a long time before I can say I can do all those things in a weekend. :)
I have been feeling good (so thankful for the medication that helps) and the little guy has been proving to be a rock star at his twice weekly appointments. He is definitely very low and I have been having quite a few contractions now and again so I am hopeful that he won't need much coaxing to come out and meet us next week. I've got a lot of people praying for an efficient, manageable, and safe delivery so if you are so inclined to join the group it is much appreciated!
Right now we are scheduled to check in Monday morning (June 6) around 7:30 am and the good news is we are delivering here in Hastings! My regular doctor, although back from maternity leave, happens to be off that week. She has assigned me to another doc who I like to refer to as "the absent-minded professor". I've only met her once (Scott has yet to meet her) but she has been doing this a long time and I have complete confidence in her.
All reports from Bemidji are great - Jake is having a blast with Grandma and Cindy and we'll get the fishing report upon Scott's return from Canada. Thanks for checking in!
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Canada here they come
Jake isn't quite old enough to join the boys on their annual fishing trip to Canada, but he woke up very early this morning and came into our room and told us he was ready to go to Grandma and Grandpa's house. Mark, Larry, Chris and Scott will enjoy eating fresh fish for the weekend while Jake will entertain Susie and Cindy. As for me, I am here in Hastings and have put myself on bed rest. Which means...massage, pedicure, facial, and lots of naps. In between cleaning and projects, of course. :)
Sarah has mad skills
Aunt Sarah demonstrated her scooter skills while setting a good example of wearing her helmet. It is a good thing we've got Aunt Sarah around to cruise with Jake...pregnant lady on a scooter, while it may be funny, is not a good idea. Trust me. I tried it.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
35 weeks
Two weeks and counting! This picture was taken upon me returning home from my doctor appointment where they scheduled my induction for Monday, June 6th. Notice the fake smile? I am still trying to wrap my head around this whole process. Obviously inductions are very common...heck, now days people schedule them to coordinate with vacations or big events. For me personally, it makes me anxious. But hey, as long as baby is safe and sound that is all that matters. I kind of need to quit being a wuss, right? :)
Now, back to that "Things I have to do in less than 2 weeks!" list.
Friday, May 20, 2011
Remember when...
Jacob was a rock star at the age of 2? He looked a lot like someone else we know although most of the time he is a mini-daddy.
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Friday, May 13, 2011
Sweet Pea
![]() |
34 weeks |
Once again the little man has passed his BPP (Biophysical Profile) with flying colors. My appointment didn't take very long because the tech got all of the measurements she needed right away. I will have a consult with the doctor a week from today. I suspect he/she will want another bile level test done. The good news is that in comparison to other cholestasis cases, my bile levels are relatively low right now and hopefully they will stay that way. The odd news is that after asking the nurse about this disorder and how common it is, she told me that she doesn't see cases of this often, but in the last two weeks there have been 4 or 5 moms with cases of it. I would really like to do a research study. Let me rephrase that - I would like someone else to do a research study.
I am amazed by this ultrasound technology and although I still think these 3-D images are a bit strange, it is kind of neat to get a sneak peak of our little guy. With the amount of appointments I have over the next three weeks this baby is going to have a photo book filled before he is actually born. We obviously want baby to hang out as close to full term as he can (as long as he is safe) but no matter when they decide to induce, we are very excited to have him in our arms. Now, we just need to figure out what we are going to name him.
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Pregnancy update
The test results are in and the doctor has diagnosed cholestasis. From the American Pregnancy Association website: "Cholestasis of pregnancy is a condition in which the normal flow of bile in the gallbladder is affected by the high amounts of pregnancy hormones. Cholestasis is more common in the last trimester of pregnancy when hormones are at their peak, but it usually goes away within a few days after delivery."
I have transferred my care to the specialists and for the next few weeks will spend two days a week in Woodbury doing a biophysical profile on baby. This includes an ultrasound checking amniotic fluid, his movements, tone, and practice breathing. Then they monitor his heart rate for 20-40 minutes. As long as baby is happy I will go until about week 37 (around the first week of June) and do an amniocentesis to check the amniotic fluid to make sure baby's lungs are mature. As soon as he is ready to breathe on his own they will induce labor. I will be delivering at United in St. Paul.
I am not sleeping well and the itching is maddening. Hopefully the medication they prescribed will help a bit. This is definitely not the "short labor and water birth" that I had hoped for. With Jacob my water broke at home, we labored with our doula, headed to the hospital, and within a total of eight hours and no drugs, Jacob was here safe and sound. The process over the next few weeks is going to be a bit more challenging on many different levels but we are so thankful that they are keeping a close eye on him. I have a high school friend that has dealt with this with two of her pregnancies and she was blessed with two healthy babies. It was reassuring corresponding with her and nice to have someone empathize with the crazy symptoms.
That is the latest from here. My first appointment is on Friday and away we go. Baby will be here before we know it!
Thanks for checking in and now I shall attempt a nap.
Go fly a kite
Jacob's second day of flying a kite was much more successful than the first day when he let it go. Thankfully, Dad was able to retrieve it and although the handle is hanging out on our neighbors roof, Dad used his mad skills to engineer a new handle using a paint roller. Jacob did inform us that he likes to play soccer and ride his trike more than flying a kite.
Sunday, May 8, 2011
33 weeks
The countdown is on! Especially due to some new developments in the last few weeks. I started noticing some strange itching on the palms of my hands and soles of my feet. This irritating type of itching would seem to come and go, but I couldn't relieve it with lotion or scratching. It then moved on to my arms, ankles, legs, name it. When it didn't improve I had a blood test to check my liver function levels. My doctor suggested that I see a specialist so off to the specialist we went. My liver tests came back elevated, but not so high that he was overly concerned. This week we will get back the results of my bile acid tests to see if we are dealing with a case of Cholestasis. If that is the case, there is medication which he can prescribe and most likely I will be induced around 37 weeks. If it isn't the case, I hope he has some other great suggestions (he recommended Benadryl and Hydro-cortisone cream) because I already have sleep deprivation due to waking up with this horrible itching. It seems to be worse first thing in the morning and at night, but if you can imagine a bunch of No-See-Ums (you know...those tiny little black bugs that bite) biting you from the inside out, well then you can imagine why I can't sleep well. This, along with heartburn, and limited bladder capabilities...well let's just say I am ready to get little man here safe and sound so I can move on to sleep deprivation from nursing throughout the night.
The good news is that baby is very healthy. They did a series of tests including checking all of his measurements (he is measuring 4 days ahead of schedule and has a large head...surprise, surprise), amniotic fluid, practice breathing and then monitored his heart rate for 20 minutes. He tolerated a contraction perfectly well. We also walked away with our first ever 3-D ultrasound photograph. The ultrasound tech told us he already has hair and it seems to me his chin structure looks exactly like Jacob's.
We'll keep you posted and in the meantime, we appreciate your prayers for baby's continued good health and safe delivery, and some sound answers and relief for mama.
Thanks for checking in!
Before and After
Jake's old room... |
with toddler bed. |
Jake's new room...with giant bed |
and his own handmade wall art (with the help of Dad of course). |
Former guest room |
with the bed that Jacob now sleeps in. Our guests now sleep in a tent in the living room. |
New nursery... |
for new baby boy coming in June. |
Wall decor from talented Etsy artists. |
Gwen and Jake
We enjoyed Mother's Day with Tom, Sarah, and Gwen. Although we didn't get to have our picnic at the park due to cooler temps and potential rain, our living room suited us just fine. I had the pleasure of rocking Gwen to sleep for her afternoon nap while Jake had the pleasure of Tom, Sarah, and Dad's undivided attention.
To our moms
Thanks for all you do and for being all that you are. We love you Mom/Grandma!
Love, Scott, Nikki, Jacob, and Baby #2
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