Scott, Nikki, Jacob and Nathan's attempt to keep those who we are privileged to call friends and family updated on the ins and outs of our lives.
Sinclair family

Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Two twenty two
Jake has been going to his ECFE class on Tuesday mornings and enjoying it. Speaking of which I had better hurry up and get ready. Super-Why is almost over. We're still debating pre-school for this fall. Any opinions out there?
I am also happy to report that due to my Quickbooks non-expertise our taxes are not going to be as awful as we once thought. Thankfully, now we have a good accountant to keep us on track.
As of January I have been working at the Elm Spa here in town and absolutely loving it. Scott is able to work from home on Thursdays which allows me to go into work late that day. I'm also working a couple of Saturdays a month so we don't have to coordinate child care.
There is one exciting tid-bit of info however...we know the gender of our baby. Yep. We caved. Actually, Scott caved. But more on that at a later date.
Happy Tuesday and thanks for checking in!
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Here's Baby!
When I go in for these appointments I can't help but think of the Friends episode where Rachel is looking at her ultrasound and can't see the baby. Some of the views like the profile are obvious, but I have to laugh when I am looking at what I see as a blob and the tech knows exactly what she is looking at. Although the ultrasound tech doesn't go over specifics, she assured me the heart is healthy and arms/legs/fingers/toes are all in tact. Unfortunately for her, the little one wouldn't stop moving. We were the 8th ultrasound of what I gathered to be a very long day and by her deep breaths she had to dig deep to find the patience to wait for our little one to cooperate to get the measurements needed. She finally got them though and we got our first out-of-focus glimpse of the handsome little man / beautiful little girl.
If I had to place a bet on the sex based on early pregnancy I would guess a girl given it was quite different from Jacob, but after seeing this profile and comparing it to Jacob's ultrasound picture I'd put money on a boy. It remains a mystery though and if you planning on making a blanket (ahem, Mom) go with yellow.
Friday, February 4, 2011
Conversations with our 3 year old
Most three year olds say really funny things. Ours is no exception. Lately, a lot of our conversations have revolved around Baby. Jacob is quite excited to play the role of big brother. He already talks about he will rock (her), take (her) on bike rides, and he asks a lot of questions about Baby. On numerous occasions he has asked how the baby is going to get out of my tummy. I am usually quite vague and when he asked a couple of nights ago at bath time I told him the doctor will help me get him/her out at the hospital this summer when it is big enough. He then asked me what kind of tools she would use. I said "just her hands". Then we moved onto something else.
This morning at breakfast we were talking about how Jacob's friend, Graham, gets a new little brother today. He then asked where his (Jacob's) baby was and I said in Mommy's tummy. The rest of the conversation went like this:
Jacob: How's the baby going to come out of your tummy?
Nikki: When he or she is big enough the doctor will help him/her out.
Jacob: With her hands?
Nikki: Yes.
Jacob: Will she (he always refers to Baby as a she) come out of your belly button?
Nikki: Um (debating if I should mislead him or just be honest)...yeah, kind of.
Jacob: Will she use a knife?
Nikki: Hopefully not. (I don't want my child to think they use a knife to cut out my belly button and get Baby we go..) Mommies have a special opening between their legs where baby can come out.
Jacob: I have legs.
Oh that kids makes me smile.
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