Scott, Nikki, Jacob and Nathan's attempt to keep those who we are privileged to call friends and family updated on the ins and outs of our lives.
Sinclair family

Sunday, March 21, 2010
Weekend update
He likes pancakes.
Scott and I had a great time seeing Mike Doughty at Dakota Jazz Club & Restaurant on Friday night. It was him (playing acoustic guitar) and his cellist. Fantastic! If you live in the Minneapolis area and have never been it is definitely worth checking out. It is my favorite kind of venue...small, great acoustics but not too loud, food and drink while sitting around a table.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Here's to...
And the semi-trucks were a hit (notice my concentration)...thank goodness Owin has the main controls.
and after Jacob found out he could walk by himself only if he held Owin's hand, he made sure to keep him close...
Do not let this picture deceive you...Jacob is standing on a step...
Little Olive could care less about rides...she is much more concerned about shopping and fashion...
Kris looks good in an 18-wheeler...
My dear friend Kris and her kiddos Owin and Olive made a trip up last week from Rochester. We had a great time taking the kids to the Mall of America and I just love hanging out with Kris...if only we were closer! We're looking forward to many more get togethers this summer. Jacob and Owin are like two peas in a pod. They haven't seen each other since last summer but they chatted and hung out together like not a day had gone by. It was a fun day!
Thursday, March 11, 2010
We love you Grandma Rose
At the end of January we lost our dear Grandma Rose. Here are my favorite Grandma Rose memories: Home made (green) play-doh. Perfect tiny pancakes made with cornmeal. She cooked bacon that she managed to get crispy in the microwave. Her sewing machine, making pillows, and her giant walk-in closet full of dress up clothes. Her giant basement and lots of toys. Ivory soap. She always took us for the best frozen yogurt in the whole world at the mall in Albert Lea. I don't think there was a time when she came to stay with us or us at her place when she wasn't up before 5am baking. I seriously always thought she was up in the middle of the night. Her food. Everything she made was always so good. Her freezer stocked with Kringlas and cookies. Her brown bread. Her Bible...filled with notes and her Bible cover which had a pencil slot (cool!). I am happy to say that I have a Bible cover that she made as well.
Grandma Rose was a beautiful person inside and out. I was always inspired by her relationship with God. She was humble, thankful, and never judgemental. And seriously the cutest Grandma ever.
While driving home yesterday this Mercy Me song came on the radio. I haven't heard it in a long time but it brought tears to my eyes and immediately I thought of Grandma. We arrived to be with her just minutes after she had died, and although it was hard to say good-bye (for now) I was amazed at how truly peaceful she looked. My heart was so happy for her that she was in heaven...probably at that moment...standing before God. For right now I can only imagine...
Last weekend...
Monday, March 1, 2010
Weekend in Ames
A very special thank you to Sara and Brent for hosting the entire Sinclair family this past weekend...
We tried to get some perfect pics for Aunt Sarah...she didn't cooperate all that well because she kept laughing...
Jacob taking a break from his fruity Cheerios...
and we tried really hard to get all of the boys to smile at once while looking at the camera...
the same goes for the picture with Grandma and Grandpa...
and here's the littlest peanut to date...Weston...
Jacob received some post-Christmas presents...and he could hardly wait for Grandpa to get this open...