Jacob is growing like a weed. We are taking him to his 9 mos well check next week so we're excited to see how much he weighs. He is starting to sleep a bit longer at night more often so I hope that continues. He has become very interested in food. He will try ANYTHING so we have to be careful what he gets his hands on. He is doing a pretty good job of chewing and mashing stuff up, but he still chokes and gags if he gets too big of a bite of something. We just noticed his eye is watering a lot, he is sneezing and has a runny nose...I honestly think these are signs of his tooth coming in. He is also very restless but sleepy. He was at the chiropractor yesterday and she tested his nasal passages and they are clear so I don't think he has a cold. Time will tell I guess.
Scott is getting close to having a somewhat normal schedule at work. He finished his nights last week and this week, although he is still working extremely long days, is back on days. The turnaround will end this week, so starting next week he will be back to a normal schedule. He still feels like he has a never ending case of jet lag, so hopefully getting back into a normal routine will help. The poor guy needs a break! Thank goodness he actually gets to have a weekend coming up. This last month has been quite a challenge.
I spent last week up in Bemidji. I went to my friends' wedding, caught up with some friends, and took a few extra naps. Jacob had a great week as well - he stayed very busy entertaining Grandma and Grandpa. My sister came up for the last weekend which was fun as well. I am really excited for the end of the month - Scott and I are taking a trip up to the Duluth area for two nights! This will be the first time we will leave Jacob so I hope he does well. Grandma and Grandpa Jacobson are coming down to stay with him. Needless to say I will be busy pumping the next two weeks to make sure they have plenty of milk for him. I'm telling you, nursing a child is probably the most challenging task I have ever done. I saw one of my friends at the wedding and she and her husband left their 5 mos old at her parents for the night so they had the entire night to whoop it up and go home and sleep through the night. I can't even imagine. I have to admit, I was a little jealous. But, on the other hand, I feel great that Jake is getting the good stuff. And we are SO close! :)
Jacob's nap lasted about as long as it took me to type this up (it wasn't long). The laundry will have to wait.