Here's to a year ahead filled with dancing, rocking, laughing, and loving.
Happy 2009!
Scott, Nikki, Jacob and Nathan's attempt to keep those who we are privileged to call friends and family updated on the ins and outs of our lives.
Here's to a year ahead filled with dancing, rocking, laughing, and loving.
Happy 2009!
Jacob learned how to play Snow Bird before he turned in on Christmas Eve, and we opened presents Christmas morning. His favorite present is his new vacuum cleaner from Auntie Sarah, but everyone else's favorite was his lounge chair from Grandma Jacobson. As you can see, it's the perfect chair for eating a few Cheerios and watching everyone else open gifts. He also has a new friend, Elmo, who has eyes which are just perfect for poking.
We hope you all enjoyed a blessed and merry Christmas!
As you can see, Jacob has been practicing his walking and is getting close to going it alone. He especially likes walking in his squeaky shoes which always make him smile. As you can see at the end of the video, he's also really into the vacuum cleaner which is another object which always gets him excited (Christmas trees, airplanes, Cheerios, and swimming pools have a similar effect). He MUST touch it every times he sees it, and he's been known to lunge out at the closet doors to try to get us to open them so he can see the magic vacuum stored inside. He's a real hoot!
We're excited for our trip to Omaha next weekend to celebrate with the Sinclair family. Upon our return, Mark, Sue, and Becky will be arriving to celebrate here in Hastings.
This Christmas is a bit more exciting...seeing it through your child's eyes. It is amazing how Jacob's eyes light up when he looks at the tree.
Jacob's calling. I am pretty sure he is trying to set the record for the shortest nap. Thanks for checking in and we'll update again soon!
We've been thinking that Jacob might learn to walk before he learns to crawl, but he's recently been practicing his crawling more so who knows. We're not sure if you can call this crawling, but it does involve hands and knees. It just happens to also include the creative use of a prominent forehead. All we know is that it resembles crawling more than his typical log rolls around the room, so we're happy with it. More importantly, it gets Jacob from point A to point B and that's all that he cares about. It will probably get easier as his smallish arms grow into better proportion with his giant head. Hehe. Crawl on Jacob, crawl on!